Vaginal discharge is a natural part of your body’s regulation process. It helps keep your vagina clean, protect against infection and provide lubrication during sex. More info:
Discharge color, consistency and amount can vary due to menstruation, intercourse, pregnancy, even what you eat or take in through supplements or medications. It also can change with age, so it’s important to know what’s normal for you.
A clear, milky or white discharge is the most common type of discharge. This is a sign of healthy vaginal health and should be nothing to worry about.
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Very light yellow or green is another no-cause-for-concern discharge color. It can occur for the same reasons as clear discharge — to clean and moisturize your vagina.
Brown or red is a different type of discharge. This is common during menstruation but could be an indication of something more serious, like a sexually transmitted infection (STI) or bacterial vaginosis.
Black is another color to look out for. This can be an indicator of old blood that took longer to bleed or a retained object, such as a tampon or pad.
If you see any unusual changes in your discharge, don’t hesitate to contact a doctor to discuss what it might mean. They can help you identify the cause of your vaginal discharge and determine whether it is something to be concerned about or not. You can also get information on how to treat and prevent vaginal infections. The best way to get the care you need is to find a provider that specializes in your gender and reproductive health.